The Reason For My Joy . . .

The Reason For My Joy . . .

Friday, November 11, 2011

Fun Halloween Events

This picture is out of place because I accidentally deleted it and had to add it again, but here is Andrea with her completed Jack-o-lantern.

Here the kids are ready to go trick-or-treating. It was sure windy and cold on Halloween night. Poor Landon's Indian Chief Headdress just about got ripped to shreds from the wind.At the Ward trunk-or-treat

Alexa was a puppy.

Andrea was a girl pirate.

Rylan was a clown.

Landon was an Indian Chief.

Here's our Jack-o-lanterns on our front porch.

Enjoying our traditional Halloween dinner: Mummy dogs, slugs (peaches), witches fingers (cheetos), and boiling blood (red kool-aid with dry ice in it.)

Alexa carving her pumpkin.

Andrea cleaning out her pumpkin.

Here's all my boys carving their pumpkins.

Landon decided he'd try to eat the pumpkin guts this year.

Here's Rylan's SCARY face.

Alexa with her finished pumpkin.

All of our Jack-o-lanterns.

Here's Landon at the school Halloween parade.

Here's Andrea (on the left) with her good buddy (yes, a little boy) at the school Halloween party. They were both pirates and had the same costume. (Andie is just a bit of a tom-boy.)

Landon and Andrea at the Ward Halloween Party.

Rylan at the Ward Halloween Party (He refused to put his cute clown costume on that night so we had to put him in his batman pajamas.)

Here's Alexa at the Ward Halloween Party.

Here's Rylan playing musical chairs all by himself. The game ended and he just kept on playing, so the person running the game hurried and started the music because she thought he was so cute. And guess what . . . he won!

Here's Landon doing the limbo at the Ward party.

Here's Andie and Landon doing the cake walk at the school Halloween Carnival.

Fall pictures

It's tradition in our family to take some pictures every fall in the autumn leaves in front of our house, so here they are: Here's cute little Rylan: 2 years old.
Here's our little princess, Andrea: 4 years old

Here's my champ, Landon: 7 years old

Here's beautiful Alexa: 9 years oldAnd here's all of my little darlings.